Thursday, August 27, 2009

With Death Comes Hypocrisy

Five years ago, when Senator John Kerry was running for President, he and Senator Kennedy petitioned the Massachusetts legislature to change the law that allowed the Governor to appoint a temporary replacement for Kerry if he was elected. It did not take too much convincing, as the Democratic led legislature passed said bill quite easily. Of course, at the time, Massachusetts had a Republican in the corner office. Now that we have a Dem. in the Governors chair they want to change the law back, allowing 'Cadillac' Deval Patrick to appoint a replacement for Senator Teddy. This is political hypocrisy at its worse and comes very close to making me physically ill. Senator Kerry himself almost made me throw something at my 50" Sony, as he spoke on the issue yesterday. How can you look the Massachusetts people in the face and ask us to change the law, when just 5 years ago, you would not allow then Governor Mitt Romney to appoint your replacement? Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy!!!

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